A Letter To Current and Former Female Athletes.

A letter to current and former athletes.

Body image is complex and it is contextual. A female athlete may perceive or experience her body differently in the context of her sport, in the context of the classroom, and in the context of other social settings. Furthermore, female athletes may experience a duality of body image whereby thoughts and feelings of an athlete often conflict with thoughts and feelings of a woman. The pressure to perform and the pressure to meet society’s standards of beauty can become overwhelming and can contribute to an early exit from sport among adolescent girls.

While a female athlete may experience pride around the strength of her athletic body in the context of her sport, she may experience shame around those same features when she is outside the context of her sport. This distress may lead to a need to control one’s body, to hide or restrict her muscularity, or to maintain a lean, fit body that is deemed more acceptable by social media’s standards. This need for control may lead to restricting calories, cutting out certain foods or food groups, rules around food, or constant body checking or monitoring of her body.

It is important to help a female athlete shift their focus from the appearance of her body to the function of her body. When this shift happens, it creates more room for building gratitude towards her body, tolerance towards her body, and ultimately acceptance of her body.

To All Current and Former Female Athletes:

This is a reminder that you don’t need to earn food. Remember that you are more than just a body and you are more than an athlete. You are worthy. You are enough just as you are, and you are deserving of fuel.

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