NEW CHILDREN’S BOOK! Flora Finds Her Balloons Written and Illustrated by Lindsey Landgrebe, PhD Flora Finds Her Balloons is a story of a girl who discovers her multifaceted self after being known and seen as just the girl with the balloon. While she came to love the name others gave her - the girl with the balloon - she starts to feel scared and worried that she is going to lose her balloon and her identity with it. She fears that no one will know her or remember her without a balloon in her hand. She tries to protect her balloon by hiding from the wind. She shares her worries and fears with her mother who offers empathy, compassion, and helps her see that she is not just the girl carrying one balloon. She reminds her of all of the other parts of her that make her unique - the girl that loves adventure, the girl that loves music and books that take her to new places, the girl that is loved by her family and friends.This book is for kiddos who are struggling with anxiety and it is for caregivers, teachers, counselors who are trying to support them. This book is also for anyone who is transitioning to a new role or stepping out of an identity that has been important to them for so long. FIND IT ON AMAZON