Stay Inspired.

Supporting Athlete Wellness and Performance through Stories, Education, Advocacy, and Art

40 Factors of Performance

While athletes often focus on things they perceive they can control to improve their performance (weight), that hyper-focus can actually negatively impact performance and contribute to increased rigidity, compulsive behaviors including exercise, heightened anxiety, and lower mood. Reaching a certain number creates a lot of pressure, stress, fear, and anxiety.

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Let’s Talk About Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport

Let's talk about Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs).

When an athlete is not meeting their energy needs whether intentionally or unintentionally, their body has to compensate to conserve energy. In a state of energy deficiency or where there is low energy availability, the body goes into survival mode to conserve energy. While an athlete may experience an initial increase in performance, ultimately their body cannot sustain being in a state of energy deficiency and performance declines.

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press Lindsey Landgrebe press Lindsey Landgrebe

Celebrating A New Beginning

As a former collegiate athlete, I am passionate about giving back to the next generation through supporting the efforts of de-stigmatizing mental health in sport, making safety in sport a priority, and creating greater access to evidence-based interventions for athletes that also recognizes the nuances of sport culture and the athlete identity.

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